- The new book of a photographer and a documentary film director Adolf Zika focuses on portrait photography that captures the uniqueness and inner charm of the selected people from various areas of human endeavour. There are both Czechs and foreigners who attracted his attention during his travels. Each chapter also contains stories in which the author describes the creation of each photograph which makes this book utterly unique!
- latest work of photographer Adolf Zika
- creative concept and graphic design for Presco Group a.s. Publishing
- The book One Year Of My Life in 3285 pictures by Adolf Zika in cooperation with Leica is a worldwide unique photography project, which illustrates one year of the ordinary as well as extraordinary life of the photographer and director Adolf Zika. Every day is chronologically expressed with nine photographs, each of which best describes the given moment, activity and time period. Each month includes the author‘s characteristic personal commentary.
- Publisher: Mladá fronta; 2009
- distribution to 24 countries
- photo: Adolf Zika
- creative concept and graphic design: Marcel Musil
- for Ferrari racing team Convers/Menx
- photo: Adolf Zika
- creative concept and graphic design: Marcel Musil
- book of Adolf Zika’s black and white photography
- creative concept and graphic design of the book for the Presco Group a.s. publishing
- the greatest book project of the year 2001
- issue of 10,000 books
- creative concept and graphic design: Vlado Yurkovic
- text: Stano Belan
- author: Adolf Zika
- together with Atemi association a.s.
- motive: Adolf Zika
- author: Tomas Trestik